For the past three weeks Paula and I have been traveling. First to attend an ILP graduation in Dallas. Then weather finally permitting, to Asheville NC to visit my children and grandchild as well as to introduce ourselves to the teachers at the Wind Horse Zendo in Asheville.
In September when I saw my Grandson, Mac, he was a baby. Suddenly, at 20 months, he's become a little boy. It took only a few minutes for him to start calling me Opa. One evening as his bed time approached, his mom and dad invited him to say goodnight to the people in the room with a kiss. When it was my turn, he looked at me with a beaming face, said "Opa!" and toddled over as fast as he could to plant one on my cheek.
The room erupted with laughter, applause and the requisite "oohs." Mac then made his way back across the room where his parents stood waiting to take him to his crib. As his Dad reached down for him, Mac suddenly did an about face and ran back to kiss me on the cheek again. More laughter and approval encouraged Mac to do it a third time, giggling all the way as he managed to milk a few more minutes before having to go to bed.
Mac is my my first grandchild, and I have been exploring this new role of Opa. It is completely uncharted territory for me and I've been proceeding cautiously. Until now. Now Mac has shown me how to do it. Complete spontaneity in the moment. Let the trickster loose.
On the health front: I have scans this weds at MDA. Review them with my doctor on Thurs. I'll let you all know the results. Meanwhile each day of the trip I seemed to get a little stronger. But I was a little disappointed to discover that I still can't do a single regular push-up. However, Paula noticed that when I engage in Zen activities as I did at Wind Horse, it seems to lift my spirits and energy. The alkaline diet is going splendidly. I'm eating healthier than I ever have and have a new sense of well-being.
I love you all,
Phil, your posts lift my spirits and energy! You have no idea the mark you've made on my life, my friend. It's the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you!
I am a new practitioner at AZC and I was privileged to witness your ordination ceremony and chat with you about your alkaline diet. Here's to letting the trickster loose in your role as Opa! I think you'd have a lot of fun letting the trickster out in your role as zen priest, too. I hardly know you, but I think I you're an amazing guy. You and Paula together are quite something. Share more about your diet when you get a chance!
ReplyDeletePhil, Mac is a doll and looks suspiciously like Opa Koso. I love your telling of stories and can imagine you proudly telling this one. Thank you for so generously sharing and I look forward to hearing more... You are an inspiration to us all!