For those of you who have an allergic reaction to anything you might deem "woo-woo" or "New Age" I suggest that you skip this post. And, to be candid, if I hadn't personally experienced what I did this morning, and I were a follower of this blog instead of its originator, I fully expect I would be heeding this preamble myself and finding something far more valuable to do with my time--like cleaning the fish tanks. Yet, when I undertook to begin these entries, I vowed that I would report honestly and directly what I was experiencing and then offer some reflection.
So here goes:
This morning, about 10:15, a business meeting I was expecting to attend didn't happen, and I felt a need to go rest. I went to our room and lay down, gently closing my eyes but not sleeping. Within a few moments I experienced what I can only describe as a kind of healing light energy flowing not so much over me or around me or through me but as me. I had no sense of my "self" being separate from this light energy, or that it was "working on me." I did not feel bathed in it, warmed by it or infused with it. The experience was more like I was the light. Eyes open or eyes closed, everything appeared bright and exceptionally clear. Visual contrasts were sharp but not unpleasant. As if all of a sudden, I had perfect vision--even with my glasses off.
More remarkable than the physical manifestations of this experience though were the sentient ones. I felt completely at ease, comfortable, safe, non-anxious--neither "grounded" nor "floating" but just fully, fully present. I felt at peace. I felt not so much loved as love itself. I remained in this state for an hour and a half. When I arose to attend my next meeting, there was no reluctance. It was simply time to move. As I stood up, I felt a knowing in my body that my healing has begun.
It is now over nine hours later. I haven't slowed down or needed to rest since. I've had two extensive client meetings, driven 30 miles or so, had dinner with friends and I'm still going strong. I am not experiencing nausea--my appetite is robust. I'm not feeling tired---I feel really really energized. I don't feel sick at all. I feel very,very healthy. I feel Alive.
Like all states the experience this morning is temporary. I may very well feel terrible tomorrow. But I don't expect to. However, I now have a clear sense that while the sense of health I currently feel may come and go, rise and fall, the Reality underlying my experience is constant, infinite, vast and lacking nothing.
As I re-read what I've just written, I expect that many are wondering what on earth I am reporting. I agree. It defies rationale, explanation. Invites skepticism. And some small part of me stands right there with the skeptics saying "Yeah right." And yet my experience was real. The aftermath fully observable by friends, family and clients.
For now, I'm going to say that I experienced something like "Big MInd/Big Heart" but in a very expanded, profound way. Whatever it was, its enough.
And it's now available to me.
I love you all,